Welcome to my Web site!
Hello my name is Kostas C. Kloukinas, and I am from
Athens, Greece.
Professional Profile
Dr. Kostas Kloukinas is a staff microelectronics
engineer at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. He has worked for a number of
years in projects studying the radiation effects in microelectronic
circuits where he mainly concentrated in the development of a
radiation tolerant standard cell library using the IBM CMOS6SF
process. He is currently working on the design of a radiation
tolerant digital ASIC for a readout system of a silicon microstrip
detector. He is also responsible for the development of a modular
radiation tolerant SRAM utilizing the IBM CMOS6SF process. He has
published a number of papers in the areas of radiation effects in
submicron processes and microelectronic circuits for detectors in
high-energy physics experiments. |
Last update 13-Feb.
2001. |
| KLOUKINAS Kostas | tel:
+41 22 767
| fax: +41 22 767
| Room:
| Geneve
| e-mail: Kostas.Kloukinas@cern.ch
| CH1211, GENEVA
| http://home.cern.ch/kkloukin
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